The library will be building or renovating and expanding seven facilities in 2017. Site plans, floor plans, and exterior elevations are available on the New Libraries page. Once construction begins in mid-April 2017, the library will post photographs from each location on the page to document the progress.
Mergent Intellect features a deep collection of worldwide business information that enables companies to generate insightful business intelligence. Users can access private and public U.S and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, industry profiles, demographics, and much more. Select company profiles show job listings through indeed.com as well.
On December 1st, the library switched to cloudLibrary to provide eBooks & eAudiobooks. Patrons can access Cloud Library on most mobile devices, including Kindle Fires. cloudLibrary is not accessible on regular Kindles. Also effective December 1st, OverDrive will no longer be available. Patron holds will be transferred to cloudLibrary.
Atomic Training contains short videos explaining specific tasks in many of the most popular software applications in use today. Career skills videos and student resources are also available. The videos may be watched in sequence like a course, or watched individually to learn a specific task in a program.
OneClickDigital provides simultaneous access to more than 5,000 adult e-audiobooks titles and 1,500 children and young adult e-audiobook titles. As a result, patrons will never have to place a request and wait for a title to be available. 50 new titles are added to the OneClickDigital collection each quarter.
Pronunciator offers lessons in 80 languages, including Arabic, French, German, Russian, and Spanish. The online language learning program incorporates live teacher-led instruction, learning guides, music, film, and more. Many language lessons have sections designed for learners as young as ages 3–6. In addition, it offers an English as a Second Language curriculum.