
Flipster provides instant access to over 40 popular magazines, including Consumer Reports, People, and Sports Illustrated. Read current or back issues with a Web browser or mobile device using the free app. Click here to learn more.

Genealogy Help Desk

The Genealogy Help Desk provides basic genealogy research assistance. Library staff will utilize the library’s online databases, free online resources, and historical societies to fulfill requests. Click here to learn more.

The Gallery

The Gallery at the Library is a 2,000 square-foot art gallery located inside the Hermann branch of Scenic Regional Library that is free and open to the public. Click here to learn more.

1000 Books

Reading to your child builds language and literacy skills that last a lifetime. It also offers a chance for you to bond with your little one. To help get your child ready for school and ready to read, join us in reading 1000 Books Before Kindergarten!

Craft and Hobby


Craft and Hobby provides on-demand access to more than 9 online learning libraries, 4,000+ hours of content, and 20 different creative disciplines. Classes to serve all interests from quilting and knitting to woodworking and fitness. All content is family safe and accessible for all ages.
Help guide.

Request Library Card

Register for a library e-card online. E-cards can be used to access e-books, e-audiobooks, and other digital resources without visiting the library. To upgrade the account so that it can be used to check out materials, present a photo ID at a branch.